There's been much media coverage lately of the findings by American scientists that Neanderthal Man actually ate vegetables. Well bugger me! Fancy that... There was a long-held view that NM only ate meat and that it was generally sourced from the woolly mammoth. When the woolly mammoth became extinct during the Ice Age, scientists thought that this spelt the end for Neanderthal Man. New research on extracted teeth from NM has found a diet rich in vegetables, lentils and grasses. A true meat and two veg man. Scientists have also found that the vegetation within the diet was also cooked. Amazing that it's taken thousands of years to come to the conclusion that cavemen ate some of the stuff growing around them and easily at their disposable. You can almost see where Gordon Ramsay's gene pool originated from. Speaking of which, the papers have shown some 3D images of Neanderthal Man based on computer generated imagining taken from skull features. I think they have a more than passing resemblance to well known people today. See what you think....

Tom Selleck (left) overdoing the sunbeds a touch. Neanderthal Man (below) using a woolly mammoth's jawbone as an early communication method..
Walter Matthau (above) musing on his role opposite Jack Lemmon in the Odd Couple.
Neanderthal Man (left) musing on whether to keep his bathrobe on whilst cooking some artichoke and lentil surprise with his woolly mammoth stew.
Fatima Whitbread spotted doing some early morning training prior to her olympic javelin gold medal win. Fatima's ethos was always never let a sports bra get in the way of a good throw...
Neanderthal Woman below showing that it's not only the men who can hunter gatherers. All you need is some good good Adidas trainers, a big pair of white knickers and an aversion to shaving...
And finally.... NeMo and SuBo
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