Sunday 31 October 2010


Trick or Treat! It's a phrase I dread probably more than 'Would you like a copy of the Watch Tower madam?'. Tonight's the night when Ms Grumpy FFB comes to the fore, my front door gets hammered by painted midgets, and I lose any semblance of tolerance I have left. I hate Halloween about as much as St Valentines Day. Probably more actually, because at least on SVD, there's always a chance someone gives YOU chocolate. Halloween junk is the sale in the shops roughly from 2nd August. For some inexplicable reason, parents buy in to this nonsense and traipse their indulgent little prince and princesses around the streets in exchange for sweets. Why, pray why? Do these parents not have sweets at home? Do they not understand that older people who live on their own might get a touch frightened by a doorbells being rung up to 10pm at night? Do they not realise that not everyone thinks Halloween is 'fun' and constantly getting up to answer the door prevents them from enjoying a bit of peace and quiet in their own homes? No, sorry I hate Halloween and the commerialism it stands for. I'm just off to wire my doorbell up to the mains supply... Definitely a trick rather than a treat. 


  1. Ah Same here re Halloween - my Beware of the dog sign on the tall gate is doing the trick - roll on easter :)

  2. Four knocks on the door tonight at Fishfingerbutty Towers. Pity the moat and electric fence didn't do the trick.. might get a 'Beware of the Rottweiller' sign. It seems to work for BV Dave x

  3. I LOVE Halloween! I would also love it without candy. I would love it without the store bought costumes. I love to see what the kids come up with. As they get older they still come knocking but not so much dressed up. Had two young men around 13/14 knock on the door and they were in regular clothes and had backpacks. I said OOO you're students, right? and they said No we're gangsters! YIKES!!! guns please....hahaha

  4. Plenty of Bah Humbug from this side of the pond I'm afraid. At least there's bonfire night to look forward to with nightly fireworks displays up to Nov 5th.
